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Real World Events and Impact on Client Meetings – Risk Management and Crisis Preparedness By: Kelley Atkinson, Director of Conference Services My previous blog detailed my experience with event cancellation due to Hurricane Irma. In the weeks after my real world experience with life threatening weather, another life threatening crisis took place and made national… Read more »

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3 Ways to Get More out of Your Job By: Steena Hymes, Program Coordinator You are a recent graduate struggling to find work in your field, so you accept a “filler position.” You have your dream job, but leadership is lacking. Your 5 or 10-year plan is well under way, but it’s taking too long… Read more »

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April 1 marked 23 years for ASG and to celebrate, our staff has shared 23 reasons we love working at ASG! “The variety of clients. It’s neat to learn about different worlds of business all in one place.” – Abby Burns “ASG’s commitment to professional development helps me continue to grow my skill set for… Read more »

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Keep Calm and Manage Change By: Debbie Brady, Account Executive  “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy As Executive Directors we are often in the position of having to instigate and manage change in our client… Read more »

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The Florida Watermelon Association (FWA) has selected Association Services Group (ASG) for full service management, effective March 1, 2018. The FWA is comprised of watermelon growers and marketers of Florida watermelon. They aim to unite and organize membership to promote the consumption of watermelons grown in Florida. “We are familiar with the quality of work… Read more »

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Spring Forward: 3 Steps towards a Cleaner Workspace  By: Courtney Jackson, Program Coordinator  Spring is almost here and new life is about to emerge, meaning new beginnings, fresh starts, and a clean slate. Which is why you should follow suit and spring clean your workspace. It’s the perfect time to de-clutter after the holiday madness… Read more »

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“The Butterfly Effect” in the Workplace By: Shawn Pursley, Account Executive  The question has been asked many times and in many ways:  “What do I/you bring to this organization?”  Whether you are talking about a job interview, a promotion, organizing operational structures, or simply joining a committee, it is a valid question.  What do you… Read more »

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Maintaining Resolutions in 2018 By: Rebecca Masic, Account Executive We are now into the second month of the 2018, and by this point well-intentioned New Year resolutions are either still going strong, starting to wear down or have completely fallen by the wayside altogether. This is a time when gyms prosper from great intentions, however,… Read more »