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We recently shared news that Association Services Group expanded our building and with a building expansion, comes a team expansion! We are excited for the growth we have seen and we are proud of the new talent we have brought on board to continue serving our clients with excellence! Allow us to introduce our new… Read more »

Posted by & filed under Association Accounting, Tips and Ideas.

Tighten up your Breaches! – What you can do to protect yourself from Cyber fraud By: Caitlin Hyatt, Account Executive  Turn on the television or tune into the news and you’ll likely hear about the latest security breach. With massive retail giants such as Target and the Home Depot falling victim, it’s apparent that the… Read more »

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The Literacy Research Association (LRA) has selected Association Services Group (ASG) for full service management, effective October 30th. LRA is a national, non-profit professional association dedicated to advancing literacy theory, research and practice. ASG will be responsible for day-to-day administrative duties, board meetings, financial management, membership services, conference management, communications and marketing and more. “LRA’s… Read more »

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Plan for the Best, Prepare for the Worst: The Path of Hurricane Irma By: Kelley Atkinson, Director of Conference Services Most words spoken in French sound beautiful, right?  “Je t’aime,” “pâtisserie au chocolat,” “force majeure” – ok, maybe not.  Force majeure is anything but beautiful – from the wildfires burning along the West Coast to the… Read more »

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A Turducken Reflection By: Samantha Kilgore, Account Executive  Isn’t the turducken an interesting thing? The matryoshka doll of Thanksgiving– that is – a chicken, put inside of duck, stuffed inside of a turkey. The trifecta of poultry to satisfy all of your holiday meal desires. According to Wikipedia, the creator of the turducken is the… Read more »

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Less is More: What We Can Learn from 140 Characters By: Steena Hymes, Program Coordinator If you have been on Twitter lately, you are already aware that the social media platform has doubled its character allowance to 280 from its standard 140 character limit. And everyone on Twitter is taking their moment to tweet about… Read more »

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5 Simple Memory Habits For Busy Minds By: Abby DeGennaro, Program Coordinator There is never a dull day in the world of association management! Each day presents new challenges in this fast-paced, exciting environment – challenges that may seem overwhelming at times. You know that type of day: The phones are ringing off the hook…. Read more »