Spring Forward: 3 Steps towards a Cleaner Workspace
By: Courtney Jackson, Program Coordinator
Spring is almost here and new life is about to emerge, meaning new beginnings, fresh starts, and a clean slate. Which is why you should follow suit and spring clean your workspace. It’s the perfect time to de-clutter after the holiday madness and the frantic attempt to get back into the swing of things after the new year. Papers are in stacks across your desk. Your binders are toppling over and unorganized. Magazines and doodads from promotional companies are within arm’s reach. There may even be a snack or two buried deep in that bottom drawer. But, just as the time change, it’s time to spring forward. Use that extra hour of daylight to be productive and trash those notes or put them into action.
- De-Clutter Your Mind
You can’t think clearly when you are pre-occupied, this is a scientific fact. Both physical and mental clutter distracts your brain. When you clear your mind, you’re able to focus on the task at hand instead of trying to multitask and think about the next thing you must do. So, write your thoughts down. Even if it’s something simple or easy to remember. When dealing with multiple clients, or even just one, there will be several projects and deadlines to keep up with. Once you’ve written it down, you can keep it in sight, but out of mind. - De-Clutter Your Space
Yes, the physical space around you. Again, it’s distracting you. Personally, I am an organized mess. My space may look untidy, but I know exactly where everything is. Most of the time. File those loose papers in your filing cabinet. Or, it may just be time to simply throw items away, like the stress ball sitting there that isn’t relieving your stress. If you haven’t looked at it in the past year, it’s probably time to trash it. Just make sure you’re following the document retention and destruction policies for your company. If you want to discard it but afraid you may need it in the future, scan the tangible copy and file it digitally. Voila. - De-Clutter Your Computer
If you can’t see the background picture on your desktop, I’m talking to you. If it takes your 8-core, 5GHz computer a painfully long time to find documents you’re searching for, I’m talking to you too. We’ve got a very structured filing system here at ASG— there is a folder for everything! But sometimes, when I need to have a file handy, I temporarily save it to my desktop. Then, those temporary shortcuts start to multiply. But, at what point are those ‘temporary’ shortcuts permanently on your desktop? It happens to the best of us. Just take the time to sort them out and file them accordingly.
It may seem like an overwhelming task as you look around at the sticky notes that adorn your computer and the box under your desk that’s become a footstool, but it will be worth it. You’ll feel refreshed, be able to move around freely, and reference that document faster than ever before. Your workspace has become this way because you’re so busy. So, the first step is to just carve out the time and get it done.
For more blogs like this, check out 5 Simple Memory Habits for Busy Minds or You’ve Got Mail: 4 Tips for a Busy Inbox
Courtney is an Agricultural Communications graduate from the University of Georgia. Her clients include AAEA-The Agricultural Communicators Network, Ag Media Summit, Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association, and Georgia Blueberry Growers Association. She enjoys reading, traveling, blogging, and being a full-time aunt.